Medical Practice Management 101: The Importance of Delegation

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After analyzing our diverse clientbase, we determined the single quality that differentiated businesses making less than $1 million a year from those making over (and well over) $1 million a year. That quality is the ability to delegate. We often see doctors take on many different roles and responsibilities for their practice. These might include:
  • Office management
  • Vendor relationships
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Website maintenance and content creation
  • And more!

This is a big problem. Doctors put a lot of energy into growing their brand, their business and their revenue, but spread themselves too thin in the process. This is the biggest obstacle that restricts a practice’s growth potential. Below, we’ll explore how delegation is the single biggest opportunity for growth in any medical practice.

The Doctor’s Priority

Regardless of your specialty, a doctor’s main focus should be the following priorities:

  • Patient consultations
  • Surgeries/procedures
  • Post-operative reviews

These are the key responsibilities that will drive patients’ satisfaction and the growth of your business. Every other aspect of your practice can and should be delegated to other team members. You may choose to personally continue routine meetings with vendors and other parties who are important to your practice, but these can likely be limited to brief discussions at weekly or monthly intervals.

Unlock Your Business’ Growth Potential

Generally, the more that you are able to efficiently delegate, the faster your practice will be able to grow. Delegating to your team provides two huge benefits for your practice.

First, delegation will free up more time for you to fulfill your role as the leading doctor. You will have nothing distracting you from dedicating your time to your patients. This will instantly boost patient engagement at your practice, which remains one of the leading factors in a practice’s long-term success. Although it can be difficult at first, letting go of some of your responsibilities via delegation will also reduce the stress and time constraints that were previously part of your daily operations.

Second, delegation gives your staff the ability to grow. As your team members take on new responsibilities, they become stronger and more experienced professionals. Throughout this process, they’ll become more motivated and successful in helping you grow your practice. As their value to the practice increases, so does their fulfillment in their role. Placing your trust in your team by delegating responsibilities will foster a better relationship throughout the practice, creating benefits for all – including your patients!

Start Delegating Today

Ultimately, if you want to grow your practice to over $1 million in revenue, you need to learn how to delegate. Delegation allows you to focus on your essential tasks, while giving your team the ability to grow as professionals and help you grow your business.

If you’re ready to tap into the power of delegation, contact us today at RSI. We have a suite of profit-driven solutions that will help you optimize your practice for faster, smarter and more efficient operations.