Own Your Social Media for Practice Optimization

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Do you own your social media? Are you creating engaging and creative content? Or are you using templates and losing opportunities? If you are using an agency to run your social media accounts, you may be losing out on opportunities to truly engage your patients and audience.  The development and optimization of your social media will push your practice further and make you more successful. Owning your social media is much better than having an agency do it for you. The first reason that owning your social media portrays a more authentic message to your consumers. This allows you and your team to be more transparent and more likable. By creating authentic messages, you create more engagement
"The best way to combat the lack of engagement and the high numbers of unfollows that may occur from agency based ads is to create your own social media posts."

As always, you should always be creating engaging, quality content. As the practice owner, you should be encouraging your team to create engaging and authentic content. An advertising agency cannot do that for you. As time passes, you want to increase the amount of content that you have. This increase will create leads. While creating leads may take time, it will drive revenue. 

The problem with agencies is that they create a template and it may look pretty, but there is no organic quality to it. The lack of organic quality leaves viewers numb and senseless to the posts and ads that they see. Each time they see a repetitive ad, they don’t bother to read it because it is the same template as before. 

If there is no way for consumers to engage with your posts, they may unfollow you or unlike your page. This leads to lost opportunity and it will cost you money because you are paying an agency for templated ads, but you are not getting any ROI on them.

The best way to combat the lack of engagement and the high numbers of unfollows that may occur from agency based ads is to create your own social media posts. Owning your social media creates organic content that viewers can engage with. This engagement will lead to revenue and a better practice.