Website Analytics Made Simple

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Website analytics does not have to be complicated. Although this topic may sound like marketing jargon that will be difficult to learn and implement, this assumption could not be further from the truth. Considering the fact that understanding your website analytics is key to your financial success, that’s good news!
"You can create more content, upload more before and after photos, become more active on social media, and get more online reviews to continue increasing the success of your practice."

As it turns out, the rule for understanding your medical practice website analytics is straightforward:

Follow patients and revenue first: Everything else is second.   

By understanding how much revenue you are generating from your website, you simplify the entire process and every decision moving forward. Every other consideration comes after you know if your website is generating revenue and how much. Once you know this, there are  secondary considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Leads—Be sure to distinguish whether a lead is by phone or web form/email. Regardless of the source, all leads are defined as someone who gives you a first name, last name, phone number, and procedure of interest.
  2. Organic Website Traffic + Landing Page—To view organic website traffic and landing pages, go to Google Analytics. This is a free analysis that you can access at any time to understand the performance of your website.

    This will help provide context for not just how much organic traffic you are receiving, but also which pages are driving this traffic. The most important procedures to your practice should each have their own landing page, so you can better assess where patient interest lies.
  3. Rankings—If you are unhappy with what you see in the organic website traffic, you can then evaluate your rankings. Unfortunately, most practices believe they should be chasing rankings, when they should really be focusing on revenue.

    This can create a lot of confusion and ineffectiveness in the practice. Fortunately, now you know how you and your practice can do better.  

Ultimately, if revenue is up every month, every quarter, and every year from website traffic, the website is likely doing well. This provides you with a content activity opportunity cost.

You can create more content, upload more before and after photos, become more active on social media, and get more online reviews to continue increasing the success of your practice.