RSI’s elite team and software is here to play offense against COVID-19 for your practice!

Home » COVID-19 Updates » RSI’s elite team and software is here to play offense against COVID-19 for your practice!

RSI is going remote starting Friday, March 19th and will be fully functional with no loss of support or service for you.  We are here as your partner during this challenge.  If you need ideas on communication, creativity, or other business matters please don’t hesitate to call.  We have been on the phone non-stop for over a week with our clients and have many data points we can share on patient acquisition, retention, etc. given our ROI tracking software and clients.

If we have not talked already we recommend the following during this time:

Constant Communication – Communicate aggressively with your patients, teams, and partners to ensure reduced friction in your practice.

RSI Solutions:

  • 2 Way Texting –  If you do not already have our 2-way patient texting platform please ask your RSI support team member for a demonstration.
  • Virtual Consultations – RSI will create a virtual consultation form for your website, as far as telemedicine we recommend looking at Zoom or
  • Web Lead Management – RSI will handle your web lead communication and patient scheduling through our proven patient coordinators – over 300,000 scheduled in the last 8 years

Patient Marketing – Social media and email will be more important than ever during the next few months.  Let your patients know how you’re handling the practice and how to stay engaged with you.  There will be an end to this period and you want to be top of mind at that point.  Market your value aggressively and let them know about your thoughts on the current situation.

Over half of our client base has been with us 5 years or longer – you are our partners and friends regardless of tenure.  Let’s play offense on COVID-19 together!