A Map for Improving Patient Retention

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One of the most important aspects of any practice is a patient retention map, or an understanding of how you plan to manage your patients. After all, a steady stream of new and returning patients is essential for a growing and expanding practice. Unfortunately, many practices damage patient retention and engagement because they do not have a process, or a map, by which to manage it. If you are seeking to improve your patient retention, this is the information you don’t want to miss.
"One of the most important aspects of any practice is a patient retention map or an understanding of how you plan to manage your patients."

Technology + Mapping + Consistent Management = Retention

At a high level, these are the steps that are integral to improving patient retention. Technology allows your practice to scale; mapping keeps your practice on track, and consistent management allows you to understand if retention is improving, and how to make adjustments if it is not. Although retention maps can be highly individualized for each practice, if you are new to the concept, begin with the steps below.

A Basic Map for All Practices

Lead—You receive a phone call or email from an interested patient.
Confirmation—Each patient should receive confirmation that the lead has been received. Schedule an automatic response so they know your practice is organized and efficient.
Appointment Reminders—Once you’ve scheduled an appointment, be sure to send appointment reminders by text, email, and phone. This ensures that even your busiest patients will arrive as scheduled and will not miss out on their anticipated consultation.
Consultation—After the consultation, send a follow-up survey to ask the patient about their experience. This will help you understand how the process is going for each patient. You might ask:

  • Did you receive a warm welcome?
  • Were you seen on time?
  • Was our facility clean?

Procedure—Send another survey to those who have engaged with you at the procedure level. You might ask:

  • How was the procedure?
  • Did we meet or exceed your expectations? If not, why?
  • Would you refer us to a friend?

RetentionLifecycle marketing is essential. Based on the consumer’s past experience, determine on an individual basis how the consumer can become a lead again in the future, closing the loop on this map and bringing continued business to your practice.

With this map as your basic foundation for retention, your business will be poised to expand.